Z01 Horse Puzzle Durable Plywood

This puzzle is designed to help the child easily understand & recognize the different parts of the Horse. It is painted in vivid colours and fashioned in wood to guarantee reliable material that is sure to last years in the classroom

The Horse Puzzle is great for teaching zoology or just for use as a fun activity for toddlers and elementary-level children.  It measures 24 cm x 24 cm (about 9.5 in x 9.5 in) and is made of durable, warp-resistant plywood with a satin-touch, natural wood finish.  Each puzzle piece is fitted with a wooden knob for easy removal, and the image is silk-screened directly onto the wood and then covered with a clearcoat to protect it for years to come.  Weighing about 400 g (just under 1 lb), the puzzle has a pleasant weight to it, and fits into either of our puzzle cabinets for easy storage.  Makes an excellent accompaniment to the Animal Nomenclature Set.

Our Price - $12.00

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