B06 Flower Puzzle Durable Ply Wood

The Flower Puzzle to a child is basically a fun activity. The child simply enjoys taking all the pieces apart & then putting them back in its right place. While doing this activity, the child actually develops his fine motor skills, his eye & hand coordination is developed & his keen sense of concentration is also developed. Through this activity, he learns that the flower is made up of different parts & also comes to understand that the parts are represented in different colors.

After the child has familiarized himself to the flower puzzle, he can then try his hands at Flower Activity item # B13( Sold separately). Here the child is introduced to the different parts of the flower & starts memorizing the names of  each part..

Once he masters all the 3 Botany Puzzles & their activities, he then gets ready for the Activity 3 in one Item # B 15 (Sold separately.)

Our Price - $12.00

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